Defining resiliency is relatively easy. Simply stated, it’s the ability to bounce back positively after a mistake, mishap or loss. In practice, it’s the ability to overcome any negative situation. When you’re able to harness resiliency, you’re able to achieve a champion mindset.
Elite international mountain biker, Declan von Dietze, is a great example of resilience. He recently completed a ride across the 1,000-kilometre Munda Biddi trail from Albany to Mundaring, WA, in four days, six hours and 39 minutes. His time was nearly a full day faster than the previous unofficial record.
Not an easy feat, but one that a resilient athlete, and a tough athlete can accomplish with a set of strategies in place.
“It was very tough, a very long four days, it’s definitely some of the hardest riding I’ve had to do,” Declan said.
One of those strategies was that Declan had defined his reason for doing the ride in the first place. Author of ATHLETE TOUGH and Founder of Athlete Assessments, Bo Hanson said the first piece of the toughness equation is having a ‘Big Reason Why’.
“Declan certainly had his own motivation to expose his sport to more people and this is a very selfless cause”, Bo said.
“Often when athletes feel they’re doing something for someone else, their motivation is heightened. As such, their ability to endure difficulty is strengthened.”
“A Big Reason Why coupled with seeing your Identity as being tough, gives you the critical ingredients for tough behaviors and this will see you overcome obstacles that confront you along the way.”
As Declan was quoted as saying, the hardest part of the ride was about the sleep deprivation. Many people would have considered the actual 20 hours a day of riding to be the hardest, but it goes to show how Declan sees himself.
“Being mentally tough and able to perform at your best under pressure is what distinguishes the elite athletes from the ordinary. Declan proved himself to be ATHLETE TOUGH.”
If you want to know more about how to help your athletes uncover their Big Reason Why and reach a Champion Mindset, you should check out our program – ATHLETE TOUGH. Our Handbook & Video Series was produced by 4 x Olympian and 3 x Olympic Medalist, Bo Hanson, to answer the call of Coaches wanting to know how they can build mental toughness in their athletes. We’ve dedicated an entire chapter to this subject, but that’s not all. You can learn more about Building a Tough Identity, Staying Tough Under Pressure and more with 15 chapters full of proven strategies to help your athletes become, and stay, ATHLETE TOUGH. Visit this link for more information and to view a sample chapter and video!
Where to from here?

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