
Why Your big reason ‘WHY?’ Better Be A Good One
The drive to train, perform and continually improve is common to elite athletes in every sport. Sometimes it’s present in talented athletes, sometimes it’s not,

The Terms That Define Toughness
Mental toughness is at the heart of peak performance and to develop it in an athlete, a Coach must be very clear on the terms.

Setting Short-Term Goals – A Mental Strategy
How to develop a strategy for setting short-term goals to ensure your athletes focus on the critical moments of their performance By Mim Haigh, Sports

The Critical Difference Between Uncomfortable and Unsafe in Sport
Looking at the difference between ‘uncomfortable’ and ‘unsafe’ environments and why being uncomfortable contributes to developing toughness By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments

Maximizing Technology and Innovation, with Mental Skills
Mental skills are a critical prerequisite for maximizing the opportunities presented by technology and innovation By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments I read

What’s Most Important to Know about Mental Toughness
Mental toughness is a process of practice, growth and improvement. By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments Mental toughness, resilience and grit, are all

Mental Strategies from Olympic Gold Winners
Serially successful athletes rely on mental strategies to perform under pressure. By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments On the weekend I watched a

Making the Uncomfortable, Comfortable – The Best Athletes Do This
Practicing the Skills That Allow Athletes to Perform Under Pressure By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments Getting comfortable in uncomfortable situations is something

Improvement Involves Vulnerability
A personal account: what’s involved when I learn and why a safe environment is a pre-requisite By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments To

Reframing Affects Results – What you Need to Know in Sport
By Bo Hanson – Director and Lead Consultant When you have a negative event, result, or even thought in competition or in training, it’s possible to

The Circle of Safety in Sport and Mental Toughness
A safe environment is a fundamental need for athletes; emotionally and physically. By Bo Hanson – Director and Lead Consultant What we mean by the ‘Circle

What’s Missed Most Often by Coaches in Developing their Athletes
Why gaining an athlete’s permission is so important before they will accept feedback from you By Mim Haigh, Sports Writer – Athlete Assessments Permission is

Tough times don't last. Tough people do.
It is a teachable skill and there are proven strategies to develop your athletes to be Athlete Tough.